Git Lib

The Hub for GitHub

Sakhawat Hossain


Whether you are a web developer or mobile application developer or AI enthusiast you have some dependency in GitHub, right?

I will take this answer as Yes. Because we all have dependencies on open source platform work.GitHub provides lots of things and amongst them, one of the important ones is it provides open-source libraries. As an example, you want to show a message but not in a traditional way. Either you create the custom message class or you search for libraries that offer the same.

From this, we can say that GitHub libraries make our development much easier. But when we search on the web with keywords like “toast message library”, we found a lot of things. Or think you wanted to know which libraries are trending in “android” or “web” or “machine learning”.

But can you get these features in GitHub or any other web search platform?

I am pretty much sure that filter based library searching isn't available right now. So what if you can get a service or an application where you can get all of the trending libraries for all of the categories like web, android, machine learning, and others.

It would be quite an awesome right? So I am going to talk about a service or mobile application which offers the same as we talked about. The service will have the following features,

  1. Main Menu Item [Trending Repositories, Trending Developers, Top repositories of Android, Web and Machine Learning]
  2. Every main category has its filtering section where a user can filter like he or she wants to get the trending repositories of Today and Language should be java.
  3. Details section for each library.
  4. A common platform to get to know the trending or top libraries in Github.


In the following, there is some image where you can see the top libraries in android. But the user can also filter libraries based on several categories. Suppose the user wants to know the top libraries in the android layout. And he or she just select the query from the dropdown and gets the result in a couple of seconds. It works that much easier.

Filter based libraries

So I hope this application will be helpful to many of you guys. And if you guys are benefited by this application make sure to share your opinion.

Play store link:

Used APIs in this application,




Sakhawat Hossain

Senior Software Engineer | Android | iOS | Java | Kotlin | Flutter